Freelance front-end developer

As a front-end developer i have gained years of experience in several branches and companies with focus on delivery of solid front-end solutions according to webstandards built in our browsers, often javascript driven.

Pepijn Friederichs has been working since 1999 (as from 2005 as a independent/ZZP-er) front-end developer. Working on project basis for governmental organisations, internet agencies, advertising agencies, banking and companies.

The front-end developer in me:

  • When building a website, i adapt to the target and purpose it needs to work for.
  • Remains up-to-date in current front-end development by making choices.
  • Working with a pragmatic mind.
  • Modern browsers offer more possibilities in the area of interaction and layout such as css grid layout en flexbox and i use them.
  • Putting and using a structured frontend workflow by using package managers, build tools and pre-processors.
  • Feeling comfortable in these areas: html5(html), CSS and JavaScript: wide experience on javascript or TypeScript, applying es6 modules in environments, professional experience of javascript libraries/frameworks such as: VueJS(single file components / Vuex / Vue Router / vue cli), knockoutJS, jQuery(past).
  • Large experience on working Agile/scrum
  • Keeping strict separation between layout (CSS), structure (HTML) and behavior(JavaScript)
  • Useful experience in working together with frontend/backend programmers as well as graphic/ux designers and business analysts.
  • In the past gained experience on building database driven websites using serverside scripting in PHP and MySQL in LAMP omgeving(Linux/Apache/MySQL/PHP).